Rose Colby | Fellow

Rose is currently a Competency-Based Learning and Assessment Specialist, assisting schools in designing high-quality competency, assessment, and grading reform systems in many states.  She is a member of the National Advisory Board and contributor to Competency Works, the national clearinghouse and resource for innovative practices in competency education.  She has served as Competency Education Consultant for the N.H. Department of Education, supporting school districts as they develop their competency education systems and in designing and supporting the new state accountability pilot system, the New Hampshire Performance Assessment for Competency Education (NH PACE).

Ms. Colby is a national speaker and presenter in the areas of competency-based learning, digital learning, differentiation, and school leadership. She is the author of three books on Competency Education: Deeper Competency-Based Learning: Making Equitable, Student-Centered, Sustainable Shifts.  Corwin. 2020; Competency-Based Education:  A New Architecture for K-12 Schooling.  Harvard Education Press, 2017 and Off the Clock: Moving Education from Time to Competency.  Corwin Press, 2012.  Ms. Colby is the recipient of the Plymouth State University’s 2015 Dennise Maslakowski Memorial Award in Education and currently serves as Adjunct Professor at Southern New Hampshire University and Spalding University in the M.Ed/CAGS degree program in Competency Education.

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