2Revolutions Communities of Practice

A Focused Approach to Creating Learner-Centered and Equitable Classrooms and Systems

A 2Revolutions Community of Practice is a focused learning experience for educators, by educators. Our work with schools and districts empowers educators to examine and transform the structures, culture, and practices to create classrooms and systems that are more learner-centered and equitable.

2Revolutions is committed to walking alongside you as you do what you love, for good.

Our 4-to-6-month-long Communities of Practice start with an in-person launch event. The CoP then transitions to several asynchronous customized learning sequences, and ends with an in-person celebration of learning.

A circular graphic with Cycle of CoP Design in the center, it is surrounded by Launch Event, Learning Sequence, and Celebration of Learning

CoP experience kicks off  with a 3-hour in person launch event.

Participants step into their students’ shoes by sharing their learning with an authentic audience of colleagues, leadership, and other relevant members of the community.

Participants engage in a scaffolded sequence of online learning modules and hands-on, synchronous teach-ins for 3-5  months. There are options for on-site coaching during this period.

We have facilitated Communities of Practice focusing on areas such as:

  • Student-Driven Assessment

  • Leadership Development (for administrative leadership teams; for instructional coaches; for teacher leaders)

  • Performance Assessment

  • Body of Evidence

  • Personalized Learning

  • Extended Learning Opportunities

  • Integrating SEL into Core Content

  • Trauma-informed Instruction

  • Project-Based Learning

  • Anti-Bias, Anti-Racist Teaching

  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

    For more examples of these and other topics, see our Learning Catalog.

This work builds the technical capacity of educators while creating a meaningful network of teachers and educational leaders working together in a coordinated way to best serve learners. It also provides an opportunity to build a replicable model for high-quality, competency-based professional learning that is aligned with efforts to innovate while being responsive to real life challenges. All of our work aligns with the 2Revolutions’ Global Skill Areas of an educator: leadership, accountability systems, learning design, human-centered ecosystems, and equity-driven learning. 

2Revolutions-facilitated Communities of Practice:

  • Build deep capacity and buy-in to drive the work moving forward 

  • Allow educators to iterate, implement, and revise their practices

  • Focus on job-embedded shifts in classroom or leadership practices

  • Build greater buy-in and engender ownership

  • Help educators take on new leadership roles as part of broader change efforts

  • Support greater alignment between different stakeholders by working concurrently with “grassroots” and “grasstops”

93% of educators and leaders agreed or strongly agreed that they felt:
  • Supported through shifts in their practice

  • Empowered to iterate, implement, and revise their practices

  • Committed and empowered to build their capacity to drive the work moving forward beyond this learning experience

  • The work was relevant, and saw how it can impact job-embedded shifts in their classroom or leadership practices

100% of educators and leaders agreed or strongly agreed that they felt the work was relevant, and saw how it can impact job-embedded shifts in their classroom or leadership practices

Some Recent Testimonials:

  • "Life changing - Listening to my students present and share what they have learned and how it has impacted them - has given me a drive to continue and possibly influence other teachers/leaders in the building."

    - Kentucky Educator

  • "It was great to work with other teachers, and the seemingly momentous task of making performance assessments for my classes now seems more manageable!"

    -Colorado Educator

  • "The support that [the 2Rev facilitators] have provided has been monumental to my growth in PBL. This is my first year doing a PBL and I was honestly really intimidated about bringing this into the classroom, but thanks to 2Rev I've been able to embrace PBL with open arms."

    -Texas Educator

  • "My favorite part of this experience is dreaming of all the possibilities and opportunities that will come to life."

    - WY Leader

  • “I've tried to write a thank you "note" but can't properly transfer my feelings into words to express the gratitude I have for you. You truly are a gift to this profession. You have a unique ability to foster reflection and dialogue through listening and questioning and guide a conversation to help others self discover and want to do more to strengthen their practice as well as the greater community. The past two days have been an amazing experience. I saw my school community through a different lens and watched three members of the team literally transform in 24 hours! I am not crier, but tears streamed down my cheeks as she proudly shared the inner workings of our school.”

    - New Hampshire Leader

  • "I have been inspired to continue the work I am passionate about in a way that excites me."

    - Kentucky Educator

  • "Creating a safe space, providing good critical thinking opportunities, and and acknowledging all members of this learning community. Norms done!"

    - Arkansas EPP Leader

  • "The opportunity to dream with other and create action items to bring it to life."

    - KY Leader in OVEC

  • "My practice has a strong foundation of student centered learning because of this encouragement of change in the classroom. My students are more excited to come to school each day, and excited to learn in a different way."

    -Wyoming 5th Grade Teacher

  • "My favorite part was when I realized things might change for the better. We don't have to stay this way, and we don't have to settle."

    -New Hampshire Teacher

  • "Collective minds support teacher growth and learning. I really appreciate being able to work with other educators to help solve challenges."

    Arkansas Leader